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NEW FREE Safe4Sports Stop Concussions Package

One of the most important stages of a young player’s development involves getting used to body contact. Moreover, it is about learning about how to make a body check as well as take a body check. We are proud to have teamed up with Safe4Sports to bring you a new FREE package. Therefore, we wish to raise awareness for concussions and how to work on preventing them.

The S4S program focuses on safe and effective player development for players aged U8 – U22. It is a collection of animated Small Area Games and drills that work on introducing body contact into their play. This includes effective checking, spatial awareness, agility, balance, and coordination tasks that progress to essential fundamental skills. Also, you will find simple to complex individual techniques as well as offensive and defensive group tactics. These building blocks are required for success and safety in competitions.

You can GET the Safe4Sports package now for FREE in your COACH and PLAYER app, in the Purchased folder of your Packages List!


In 2010 Kerry Goulet and Keith Primeau, a 16-year veteran of the NHL, committed to educating people on the cause of concussions. After co-authoring the book CONCUSSED, they co-founded the StopConcussions Foundation. Understanding their own trials and tribulations with the injury, it was important for both to help make a difference in this invisible injury. Malcolm Sutherland joined the team in 2012 to act as the Director of Athlete and Player Safety.  Malcolm created and authored the Safe4Sports Injury Prevention Platform. Together Goulet, Primeau, and Sutherland have traveled the world presenting to leagues, associations, coaches, parents, and players. This was a very important issue and conducted both on and off-ice demonstrations. Please feel free to reach out to Kerry Goulet at if you have any questions or comments.

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