Yes, HCV is available on Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, Android tablets and smartphones.
Note: The smartphone app is the HCV-Player version, which means it is for playing shared drills, practices or drill libraries.
Global Skills Showcase 2023
Get the Animated GSS Drill Package
Perfect for your Practice Planning
Get your Coach Limited Account
With a CoachLimited account you can access all the Drills & Videos from the GSS event and use them for your practice planning.
150+ Animated Drills & Videos
Also available in your FREE HCV App
On tablets or computers: Once you are logged into your HCV app you will find the Packages List at the bottom. Open it and find the FREE folder. After you've downloaded the packages there, you will be able to find all the drills in the main list.
On Smartphones: Additionally, once you are logged into the HCV Player app, open the Packages menu at the bottom and you will immediately see the FREE packages available to download.
No, once the app is downloaded and once you have downloaded all the drills, you can use the app offline. Moreover, some coaches even take their tablet on the ice ;)
Yes. Just don't delete your app, so once you upgrade to a full Coach account you will have all the files that you have saved earlier.
Go to our website:, select GET IT NOW and follow the prompts.