Yes, HCV is available on Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, Android tablets and smartphones. Note: The smartphone app is the HCV-Player version, which means it is for playing drills, shared practices or drill libraries.
Animation helps players understand the Coach’s Vision instantly 🧠

Less talk on the ice = more Repetitions and improved Efficiency🏋

Store all your Drills & Tactics as an Animation, Video, Picture or PDF Files. Create Practice Plans for the whole Season with integrated 550+ Drills and access to 2000+ additional Drills.

Share Practice Plans with your Team before every Ice Session. Engage your Players by learning the drills or tactics on their smartphones.

Ice Time is Limited & Expensive. If your players learn the drills you sent them ahead of practice, you don't need to explain them on the whiteboard. Practice starts with a simple blow of the whistle!

Maximize your extra time with repetition and exciting new drills from HCV's extensive database of over 2,000 options. This approach will drastically boost your players' skills and ensure long-term improvement!
Our Users

With a full Coach account you will get 550+ animated drills that you can use right from the start. You will also have access to our Drill Store, where you can buy professional drill packages for just 15$ as a one-time purchase.
On tablets or computers: Once you are logged into your HCV app you will find the Packages List at the bottom. Open it and find the FREE / PURCHASED folder. After you've downloaded the packages there, you will be able to find all the drills in the main list.
On Smartphones: Once you are logged into the HCV Player app, open the Packages menu at the bottom and you will immediately see the FREE packages available to download.
No, once the app is downloaded and once you have downloaded all the drills, you can use the app offline. Some coaches even take their tablet on the ice ;)
Yes, using this code will grant you the full version of Hockey Coach Vision.